April Energy Message
Emily Tedford Emily Tedford

April Energy Message

It’s time to be your very own fool. Fall head over heels for your own ideas. Get psyched up about your wildest dreams. Be willing to try out your ideas and do what it takes to get the ball rolling. Let go of the worry about what others think. This month is about building up your self-esteem and being true to your authentic you.

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March Energy Message
Emily Tedford Emily Tedford

March Energy Message

March is about surrender. When we come to terms with how little control we really have, what’s left is how much love we can muster.

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January Energy Message
Emily Tedford Emily Tedford

January Energy Message

After the clarity, shifting, releasing, and realizations that took place at the end of 2021, January is the inhale.

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Working with the Invisible to create Tangible Change
Emily Tedford Emily Tedford

Working with the Invisible to create Tangible Change

As an artist and energy worker, I act as a bridge between the seen and unseen. The unseen realms of energy, emotion, subconscious, and spirit are manifesting in the physical realm, creating a reflection of our inner world in our outer life.

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Reiki for Grief
Emily Tedford Emily Tedford

Reiki for Grief

There is so much collective grief right now, and I’ve been asking the question: how do we allow ourselves to feel grief in a society that is programed to be productive and positive?

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