April Energy Message

Things have changed. Even if you didn’t feel like you had a phoenix rising moment the second the sun entered Aries, there have been shifts. The sun started its new cycle on March 20th in the first sign of the zodiac and the Moon joins in on March 31st for the New Moon. This is the perfect time for you to start fresh as well. You can pick something you want to reset, something brand new you want to call in. Write it down, make art about it, sing about it and then as the moon starts to grow, start taking action. 

It’s time to be your very own fool. Fall head over heels for your own ideas. Get psyched up about your wildest dreams. Be willing to try out your ideas and do what it takes to get the ball rolling. Let go of the worry about what others think. This month is about building up your self-esteem and being true to your authentic you.

Little steps or big leaps toward what you know is true are in order. Aries give you the charge and the motivation to skyrocket forward after a long deep dive into your depths, difficult emotions, core wounds and even the delusions of Pisces season. What gems did you discover out at sea, and how are you all the wiser now? Take note of how you are different this spring, and celebrate all you have become over the many springs you have blossomed.

Take a moment or several this month to stop and smell the flowers, listen to the chirp of birds and the buzz of bees and ground. Energy can feel chaotic in spring as the world spirals into an abundant blossoming frenzy.  Slowing down and appreciating the subtleties and the beauty around you can go a long way. Feel your feet on the ground. Sit and listen to the world waking up around you. 

The new you and all the possibilities of the season may be telling you to go go go, or maybe the heaviness of the world has you feeling like you're not quite in the mood to come out of your winter slumber. The key is balance. Take note of where you are. Take time to accept this truth. Then ask, what can I bring in to create balance?

On the 16th, the Pink Full Moon is in Libra, the sign of balance and relationship. This is the perfect time to show yourself LOVE. Write yourself a love letter detailing what a good friend you have been to you, and how excited you are for what is to come. Do you have any promises you need to make to yourself?

This month, find inner solace, find your equilibrium, & build confidence in all you are. ∞

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May Energy Message


Intuitive Art for Transitions