May Energy Message
This month you can expand on the themes of abundance and pleasure that you (hopefully!) began feeling as the sun moved into Taurus at the end of last month.
There will also be lots of new energy available to shift into this month, if you’re willing to let go of what’s blocking you.
There is a new moon & partial solar eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th. Themes around what is needed to take good care of yourself might be coming up. You can take it easy on Saturday and show yourself some love and care.
There is a full moon & total lunar eclipse on May 15th/16th in Scorpio, making it a potent time to work with how your boundaries create abundance.
You can read the energy update below or listen to it while receiving Reiki above. ✨
Boundaries are expansive. Less is more. Slowly is right on time. This month bring an awareness of where you end and others begin and practice not taking on more energy, emotions, and burdens than you can handle. Self care and mental and energetic rebalancing might be needed. So might too, a stronger relationship with you. Grow self trust by building a reciprocal relationship with your feelings. What are they signaling to you? How are they taking care of you when you take care of them?
Now is the time to look honestly at the things you’re thinking, doing, and consuming, that don’t fit into the vision of what is possible for you. Deep knowing is an unknowing. Take a look at the ideas you have and ask if they are really yours or if you learned them from someone else or society as a whole. It is not time to placate the systems that have held us back for so long. It is time to dissolve the shoulds that sit like a rock in your stomach. Find deep joy, even in the face of hardship. Be an anchor, and a balancing scale for the upheaval in the world, by living in as much personal bliss as possible. What do you need to let go of in order to be who you really are?
If things feel like they are moving too quickly, be the one to slow down and discern what really matters. Prioritize care, rest, and nurturing connections, even and especially when you feel like you can’t. Be aware of where you are spending your energy. Are we pushing ourselves too hard to keep some else's wheels turning or are we working toward liberation and true joy?
Embrace the truth that transformation, learning, and being human are messy and complex experiences. Meet yourself in all your messiness and complexity from a well of love and pleasure. ∞
Want some music to make the vibe? Check out the Taurus SZN playlist
Abundance, Pleasure, & Art
Abundance is not foremost about the material, but is about tapping into that place within which cannot be taken away–it is innate and as natural to life as breath. Abundance is learning to be in relationship with that place as a garden to tend to and nourish, and thus be tended to, and nourished by. It is an inner palace, a sanctuary—a place where your reason for being here in a body resides. It is the place from which you can find your way through suffering and into loving wholeness. It is nurturance itself. It is the choice to love. It is self trust. It is a profound connection to the earth and to other beings. Abundance is the awareness that you are carrying the most sacred garden, the ocean, and the stars within. ∞
Check out my intuitive art for abundance course with special guest the Empress and lots of tips on how to cultivate personal pleasure and feelings of abundance.