March Energy Message

March is about surrender. When we come to terms with how little control we really have, what’s left is how much love we can muster.  When we feel broken-hearted, betrayed or disappointed, when our heart and emotional body are heavy with pain, the answer is stillness. The need to meet is holding space. When things are going well the answer is still presence. Any situation leads to the same place—a teary-eyed gratitude and awe. Meet every moment with the same truth: you can sit with what is painful or joyful and trust in your capacity to surrender to it and let it be.

The sun is in Pisces until March 20th. Pisces understands that the acceptance and surrender to all that life holds—shadow and light—gives us agency. Once we have surrendered to all we can’t control, we can ask: what can I do to bring more joy, more peace, more justice? What is needed and how do I want to meet those needs? What is ready to heal and how do I want to go about healing? 

Another question to consider while the sun is in Pisces is what is not mine to carry? This is an important discernment in the dance of self actualization. This month, take time to heal your inner martyr. Take stock of where you’re holding the emotions, energies, and negative thought patterns of others.  Consider how you can merge and mirror in a balanced way—contained in you, so that you are grounded in your truth and not taking on other people’s energy and trauma. 

If you learned being a helper is a way to earn love, this month take the time to untangle that untruth and see how lovable you are for all your flaws, without taking on the weight of the world.  Observe and release needing to be liked, helpful, and productive to gain approval, and try instead being your own loyal and wise caregiver, who understands that what is truly needed is time and permission to heal. 

The other side of the energetically and emotionally autonomous coin is looking at where you have been asking others to live for you. Command your power. Only you can be the one to decide how deeply acceptable, beautiful, and capable you are. Pisces isn’t about surface self-love, but deep acceptance and care for our delicate, and fierce shadow parts. Find the place of utmost self-acceptance and revel there.

Wash yourself with unconditional love and see how your closest community and relationships take on a different glow when you are not paying a price to be loved, when you truly believe in and love yourself for all that you are.  

The new moon in Pisces on March 2nd is a chance to look at your needs that aren’t getting met or you may be avoiding, and map out how you might meet them. As the moon waxes, take little actions like speaking your truth, making requests, shifting habits, and doing or planning those things you deeply desire. 

When the moon is full in Virgo on March 18th, call in clarity about what is left to let go of so that you can live a present life of fulfillment, love, and trust. The neptunian energy of Pisces might sometimes confuse what is reality, but Pisces knows what isn’t True and is not afraid to let go of what isn’t aligned and give deep attention and love to what needs healing. Let the Virgo energy of the full moon help you anchor into that truth and understanding. As the moon wanes, keep letting go of unhelpful over-caring. Keep surrendering to your majestic presence. Keep accepting how deeply loved you are. ∞

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February Energy Message