Reiki for Grief

There is so much collective grief right now, and I’ve been asking the question: how do we allow ourselves to feel grief in a society that is programed to be productive and positive? It can be hard to manage grief when we are busy, others are depending on us, or we can’t go through the process for any other reason. It’s ok and understandable to feel unequipped to handle the level of loss we face individually and collectively.

When we can’t or don’t allow ourselves to fully process the emotions that grief creates, they can get stuck in our bodies, but when something tragic happens and we can allow ourselves the space to feel the anger, disbelief, and sadness, we can heal grief that is residing in our bodies from previous experiences that could not be processed fully.

One way to surrender to grief and accept the care and love that we deserve during the grieving process (and always), is through Reiki. After losing my son at 5 months pregnant, I felt blocked from going into my body and allowing myself to feel the depth of sorrow I was experiencing. I had never tried energy work before, but I was desperate to not feel so isolated in my sadness, so when a friend mentioned Reiki, I was willing to try.

Under the hands of the Reiki practitioner, I was able to allow myself to feel held, like I wasn’t carrying it all on my own anymore, and surrender to the sorrow I was feeling. I experienced emotional and energetic release in my first session, and returned regularly, until I felt I was supported enough, and had enough strength to face what happened. Now I’m a Reiki practitioner because of that experience. I want to be a supportive conduit for Reiki energy when others are going through difficult & transformative times.

When we are in too much pain to even begin, Reiki offers calming and soothing support. When we are ready to feel grief, Reiki is a way forward into healing. ∞


Energy Message for October