August Energy Message
August is about remembering who you are and living from your heart. It’s about connecting to your passion, and shining as bright as you wanna.
a personal update:
We moved to Minnesota in July and I am still trying feel out what shape I take here. I am missing the ocean and the redwoods deeply. I am remembering what it felt like as a little girl to leave the wild dessert and move to Wisconsin. I am thinking about the highs and lows, revelations and lessons in the 14 years I lived in California. I am opening to the shifting inside of me as I arrive here in a new place, with old feelings, as a new wiser me.
I am reveling in the quiet. I am contemplating what I deeply desire. I am celebrating my Leo Sun, Mercury & Venus (🔥🔥🔥) and wondering if my deepest power, loudest roar, fiercest love, most joy, & brightest pleasure, are still just under the surface waiting for me to unleash them so they ripple out to make real and lasting change. I am painting and working on my book of poetry (hope to have it out soon!). I am trying to be gentle with myself and all I’m feeling, as I open to sharing me with a new place and new people.
I made a short experimental film about leaving the Bay Area, you can watch it here.
Some reflections for this month: What’s shifting/has shifted for you? Can self compassion soften your experience? What are you deeply passionate about and how can you connect to that passion and act through it? What does your shine feel like for you and how does it create change?
No matter where you are this month, come home to yourself. Come home to the lion’s roar in your heart. It holds what you really care about, what you are passionate about, & what sparks a loving fire within you. Remember who you are and what you love about you, and share it. Shine bright. Show the world, who you really are. We need you. ∞
The Lion’s Gate portal is at its peak 8/8. Here is a Lion’s Gate Reiki meditation. Lion’s gate is a potent time to ask for guidance from the universe about uncovering and making the most of your unique gifts and your role as a change maker here on earth.
Reiki appointments, Intuitive Art sessions & Intuitive Card Readings are available virtually.
Keep in touch!
Sending love,
emily/autonomous muse
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