July Energy Message
July is about emotional empowerment. Something happens when we sit willingly with our emotions, building our capacity to care for ourselves, and to love what’s there.
This month the sun spends most of its time in Cancer, the sign ruled by the moon. It’s a great time to reflect on and and shift how you embody emotion—that is, how you stay present with yourself and your experience as waves of emotion move through you. You can decide not to abandon yourself when the waters get choppy, but to stay the course and build faith in your loving power and ability to heal.
The new moon is on June 28th in Cancer, so you can enter the month of July having already made a commitment to be your most loving and compassionate mama bear.
Earth is an antidote to overwhelming feelings this month. Ground often by connecting to the experience in your body, and ask the earth to help you move through and transmute difficult emotions.
The full moon in Capricorn is on July 13th. You can combine the nostalgic energy of Cancer with the practical energy of Capricorn to reflect on all the little shifts you have made since last July, and take a moment to celebrate the real change you have experienced.
Themes might also come up around how you show up for yourself while showing up for your community. Are you hiding your true self from the world to be safe and loved? You might be waiting for other people to like you, or give you what you need. You might be waiting for the right time, the safe time to be yourself. The time is now. Live fully. Commit to honoring who you are and what you feel. ∞
Enjoy a grounding meditation here. △
Intuitive Art
When we awaken the body’s innate healing ability by nurturing our somatic wisdom through creativity, we release old wounds, connect with our inner resources, and create new meaning.
This month is a good time to revisit my lesson on Somatic Inquiry & healing with color.
Want some music to make the vibe? Check out the Cancer SZN playlist
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