September Energy Message

This month embrace imperfection, accept reality, dream and discern

The Sun will be in Virgo until September 22nd when it moves into Libra. Virgo is the opposite of Pisces the dreamer. This month we can call on Venus and Jupiter energy and couple that with the grounded abundance that is Virgo, to learn lessons on how to dream and be in reality. We can also gain wisdom from the Virgo/Libra portal around how to make decisions from a grounded place.

Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo until September 15th. This is a really good time to release control and go with the earthy flow that will be a little slower than usual. Take time to reflect on all the places you are hard on yourself, where you aim for perfection when you could choose compassion and humility. We are all perfectly imperfect, quirky, messy, human, and trying to figure it out. This process we are in is everything—it is life, and this mess is what it takes to live with heart. This month embrace all that you are and let go of any perfectionist ideals for yourself, your life, and your community that cause you to feel discontent with the beautiful life you already have.

This doesn’t mean you can’t dream, or reach, or want things to be different, but this month, balance dreaming with the intention to also accept what reality is and isn’t. Dream in the now. Instead of envisioning yourself in the far-off perfect future doing what you want to do, visualize yourself in all your imperfections, doing it now. Start where you are and take any action you can, be it messy and shaky. Come into the mindset that you are already living your dreams by starting them now with whatever you have, and let them grow & expand and be realized in a deeper way in the process of living right in the middle of them. 

Feel what envisioning taking action right now feels like in your body. Now feel into what envisioning yourself in some distant future is like. How does that resonate in your body, if you can feel it at all?

As the Sun is transitioning from Virgo to Libra this month, there is wisdom available about how to make decisions in a grounded way.  As you set out to make the decisions that support your dreams, it’s important to honor where you are and who you are now. It's helpful to accept reality—both ways you can grow, the parts of yourself you are proud of, and also how making it here to this very moment is worth celebrating. 

Write down all the possibilities for right now, holding the present vision of yourself embodying what you want for your life. Pick out tangible steps. Check back in with your body to see how every possible action you can take feels.

Give yourself options and strengthen your ability to discern what is aligned for you and what doesn’t feel good. Ask practical honest questions about your options that aim to uncover the truth. Balance feelings and intuition with logical thinking. Observe how things feel and be open to the information your body has to offer. You will not be led astray if you are listening to your wisdom and checking in on how your body feels as you consider possibilities and make empowering decisions for your life. ∞

Enjoy the Virgo Season Playlist 🪴

Autonomous Muse coaching is for women who are ready to live a fulfilling & vibrant life that is true to their heart & resonates with their soul desires.

Creative, intuitive, embodied…

△ The creative process is a potent way to heal, cultivate resilience, and create new meaning.

△ Intuitive practices put us in touch with our inner power and guide us on the path to fulfilling our deepest soul calling.

△ Our bodies hold all the wisdom we need to experience lasting transformation.

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October Energy Message


August Energy Message