October Energy Message

This month release attachment and live on the other side of the portal.

The fall equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere was on September 22nd. In addition to having just crossed this seasonal portal, we will be moving through a potent eclipse portal this month.

October is about being on the other side and in the underneath. It can be hard to let go, to walk into the dark, to trust we’ll find our footing.  This October practice trusting that if you let go, you will make it through to the other side.

Freedom is releasing attachments…

Release attachments by acknowledging them and being with them in your body. They will untangle themselves if you let them.

We can think of the fall portal & this month’s eclipse portal like a Waning Moon phase. It's a good time to release what isn’t yours to carry into the night, and come home to the burning embers in your heart to keep you warm.

Maybe some of your attachments don’t align with who you’re becoming. There might be some old beliefs, habits, or relationships you can clear to come into alignment with the highest vision you have for yourself.

☾ Do your current beliefs about yourself align with all that you know you are capable of?

☾ Do your current relationships align with your highest vision of yourself and the love and compassion you deserve?

☾ How can you connect to and care for your body in a way that is aligned with the growth you’re experiencing?

Offer up what is old and ready to go back to the earth to be composted. When the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, you can shed your snakeskin and surrender to transformation. We rise anew by first letting go of what has finished its cycle. ∞

October Highlights

October 14 ~ New Moon in Libra, Annular Solar Eclipse*

October 23 ~ Sun in Scorpio

October 28 ~ Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 

October 31 ~ Samhain & Halloween

Intuitive Art Alchemy 

We can find creative ways to be with and release our attachments. We can connect with where they reside in our body. We can have a loving intervention with our minds. 

  1. Write down a list of your attachments that you know in your heart are not serving your higher purpose.

  2. Choose one to start with. Ask your mind why it is attached to this habit, belief, person, or thing, and hear it out.

  3. Ask to be shown where the attachment resides in your body and witness sensations that arise there for as long as you feel comfortable.

  4. With any art materials you feel called to use, make a visual representation of the attachment or ask what it needs and go with what comes through. 

  5. When you’re finished, look at the visual representation of your attachment, send it compassion and love, create a release ceremony to symbolize letting it go. 

Enjoy the Love Changing Playlist here

Autonomous Muse coaching is for women who are ready to live a fulfilling & vibrant life that is true to their heart & resonates with their soul desires.

Creative, intuitive, embodied…

△ The creative process is a potent way to heal, cultivate resilience, and create new meaning.

△ Intuitive practices put us in touch with our inner power and guide us on the path to fulfilling our deepest soul calling.

△ Our bodies hold all the wisdom we need to experience lasting transformation.

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*The Annular Solar Eclipse will be visible in North, Central, & South America.


November Energy Message


September Energy Message