August Energy Message
This month make room for wild. . .
Let it pour out of you as tears of joy and healing.
Find out what wild sounds like in your voice, as a song.
Let it be the spark that turns into a bon fire
in your very own heart.
Light the way with your wild.
Find new & rough terrain inside,
give it room to breathe & dance.
Let wild roll out of you, sound of thunder
smell of summer rain.
Run in the streets, speak to flowers.
Celebrate your part in nature—how your body is earth
& earth becomes you, while you roll in the grass
on a hillside, somewhere warm.
Sit by the water and sigh with wild by your side.
Make room for wild like you set the table for a loved friend.
Belly laugh with this dear friend, this wild inside.
Make little moments & whole days for wild.
Let it be your guide, come alive. ∞
August 2023 Highlights
August 1 ~ Full Moon in Aquarius
August 8 ~ Lion’s Gate Portal
August 16 ~ New Moon in Leo
August 23 ~ Sun enters Virgo
August 30 ~ BLUE MOON in Pisces
Autonomous Muse coaching is for women who are ready to live a fulfilling & vibrant life that is true to their heart & resonates with their soul desires.
Creative, intuitive, embodied…
The Autonomous Muse coaching method is based on 3 principles:
△ The creative process is a potent way to heal, cultivate resilience, and create new meaning.
△ Intuitive practices put us in touch with our inner power and guide us on the path to fulfilling our deepest soul calling.
△ Our bodies hold all the wisdom we need to experience lasting transformation.
Learn more about Autonomous Muse coaching & sign up for a free introductory call here.