July Energy Message
This month, find your C E N T E R. The center of the storm is calm, unmoved by the ebb and flow of energy around it. Each of us has a center, a wise one, a witness at our core. When we are tapped into this part of us, we are able to withstand, to experience, to behold, to enjoy, without being knocked off our grounding.
This Cancer season, find that place inside of you that remains still—it’s always there and cannot be taken. We may get caught up in our thoughts and emotions, in our daily lives, and the world around us. We get carried away with all we have to do and who we have to be. We move toward goals—so that we can find it—that elusive thing that will finally make us happy. It is within you…
Underneath the layers, right there in your center, is a place so peaceful and full of infinity, that you need nothing else, but to go to that place. So find your center and rest there, be there, feel from there, witness your experience unfolding from that grounded & timeless place, and let everything else be what it is, darling. ∞
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Be a witness for your emotions. Practice tapping into your center of calm while allowing your emotions to express their wisdom through art.
Gather any art materials you feel called to use.
Take a moment to find your center and ground into that place.
When you feel ready, do a body scan looking for places of tension or stored emotion in the body. Choose a place to focus and ask the tension or emotion what it would like to express.
Stay in touch with your center and witness the expression as you create. Pause as needed to get grounded, and continue witnessing the expression and sensations that arise until the tension or emotion has passed.
When finished, you can journal for five minutes about what it was like to hold space as a witness for your tension or emotion. How did it feel in the process, and how do you feel now?
Enjoy the Cancer SZN Playlist 🌊