June Energy Message

This Gemini season, revel in simplicity. Pause long enough to look in front of you and see what is there. Ask to be shown the abundance of possibilities in this moment and take inspired action with what is in front of you. No need to make life more complicated than it already is, instead we can accept complexity and move toward what feels most true—what is aligned with our heart. Perhaps accepting complexity is what leads to simplicity. Get to the heart of the matter this month. Find the diamond’s glint amongst the pebbles and focus there.

How freeing to accept that while there is so much we could be reaching toward, we can be right here in the brilliance and the magic, in the abundance of this very moment. Right here, right now, there is so much possibility and inspiration. There is wholeness.

The Moon is full in Sagittarius on June 3rd & illuminates our relationship with wisdom and knowing.

The key to true wisdom is that it is gained from being here.

Questions for contemplation on knowledge and wisdom ~

꩜ How can you share what you know while keeping perspective on the vast amounts you don’t?

꩜ Can you be a bearer of wisdom while accepting you are not the only one with the truth?

꩜ How is learning from others as fulfilling and fun as sharing what you know?

꩜ What if we healed our ego’s insecurities with deep love and became the sages and deep knowers we all are?

When the Sun moves into Cancer and it’s the Solstice on June 21st tuck all you’ve learned this Gemini season in your pocket and dive into the loving sea… ∞

It wouldn’t be Gemini season without a reflection on mirrors🪞

The mirror can be loving even when it’s hard to look at. Can you love your mirrors? The ones that challenge you, the ones that ask for more compassion, the ones that ask you to imagine another way and shift to make it so? Can you look at a challenge and say thank you and truly mean it?

Intuitive Art Alchemy

The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.

This month, infuse your life with words that resonate with your soul, words that symbolize the beauty inside of you that you would like to draw out into your life. Make a list of inspiring and beautiful words, both ones you've always loved and some that are new to you. Write a poem with them, make an abstract painting that represents their energy. Make a few beloved words your guides, guardians, and friends for the month and see what you learn from them.

Enjoy the Gemini SZN Playlist


July Energy Message


May Energy Message