May Energy Message
This month see if you can just be. Be a flower, be a river, be a song, be a blessing, be your dreams.
You don’t have to ask to blossom, you don’t need permission to thrive, you don’t need anyone’s ok to move toward the light.
Call all you deeply desire to you, and trust that you are enough. You don’t need to rush forward or worry about all you need to do to become who you already are.
You will find when you stop striving forward faster and with all your might, when you stop long enough to go with the current, when you find stillness, you will rise up. You will blossom toward the sun.
Last month you may have learned important things about who you are and hopefully how much you like your true self. Did you find where the spark of your passion and inspiration lie inside?
This month be only who you need to be to feel vibrantly alive, which is to say do the things that make you thrive.
I think if you let it, if you're willing to look, the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5th will illuminate which beliefs to put in the compost, and what to release to the night, so that you can come into true inner abundance.
There is something intriguing about the Scorpio/Taurus axis. On the surface the signs seem so dissimilar, but as opposites are a mirror, there is always something deeper—a reflection of truth to behold in the other.
Scorpio energy can discern, and move with the cycles of release and rebirth, and Taurus energy chooses growth and is the bounty of the rebirth, it’s the moment the little buds blossom in all their glory.
So discern, what is it time to release? What is no longer worth your energy? What is it time to accept, so that you too can blossom in all your glory? You don’t have to spend too much time focusing on the release, let it go and turn your energy toward new growth.
This month, act as if there is a luscious blossoming, buzzing, plentiful garden inside you, because my dear, there is. ∞
Intuitive Art Alchemy
The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.
Choose a small moment that was pleasurable, heartwarming, appreciated, something “good” that happened, and draw it out through creative writing.
What was the light like? What could you hear? What could you smell? What color clothing were you wearing as you enjoyed a small enormous moment of beauty and connection?
Slow everything down and take in all the details as you write it out. Then let it expand in your heart. Feel the wholeness of the big feeling your little moment created.
Taurus SZN Playlist 🌸