September Energy Message

This month we move from looking at abundance from the “all that is possible” energy of the spring to an abundance framework of all that we have, and all that has grown and changed within us that we can now benefit from

You have all your wisdom, your strengths, and your gifts. Virgo season evokes the image of the hermit tarot card, a lantern lighting the way forward.  We have learned from Leo how to come into the infinite power and possibility of the heart space. Now Virgo season asks us to use our head to live with heart.   

Use your wisdom and mindset to create inner abundance this month. Spend time practicing gratitude and saying thank you to your support team. Make lists of all that you possess inside in your resource tool kit. Make abundance a grounded given in your life by the way you think and interact with the world.

Take time this month to feel out what feeling comfortable in your body might be like. Get cozy being you. During the Pisces full moon on September 10th, focus on everything that is aligned within and make that energy bigger. 

September is also a month to pick your battles.  Decide what’s really worth your time, which relationships are nourishing, and what endeavors are sustainable. If you find yourself in conflict with loved ones ask yourself, would I rather be right or have connection?

It’s a good time to practice emotional honesty. Don’t cover up what’s going on inside with logical reasoning. Feel what you feel and let yourself process your full experience and share it with your loved ones when they need to know it. When they too have feelings to share, practice curiosity and listening, rather than giving advice or showing what you already know.

This month tap into the well of yourself. You are a source of replenishment. You are a sacred space. You are limitless inside. Your creative energy is regenerative. You have everything you need within. You have so much to give yourself. Dive in and enjoy. It’s luscious in there. ∞

Intuitive Art Alchemy 

The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.

Full Moon Ritual for Inner Abundance 🌕

  1. What is the landscape of your inner sanctuary? Ask your body to show you an inner sanctuary and bring your awareness to your inner world by doing a slow body scan from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

  2. When you come across an inner sanctuary take note of the landscape: are there plants? What does the ground feel like on your feet? What does the air feel like? Is it day or night? Is there an animal present? Does it have a message for you?

  3. When you’re finished, make a list of all the inner abundance you found in your sanctuary, write down the little details.

  4. Using any art materials bring it to life in the physical form!

  5. When you’re finished make an altar for your sanctuary with plants, crystals, and any other offerings, and take a moment the day before, of, and after the full moon to basque in your inner abundance.

Want some music to make the vibe? Check out the Virgo SZN playlist

Work with Me…

Your creativity is a bridge to resilience, healing, joy & transformation. 

Connecting with your intuition puts you on the path to fulfilling our deepest soul calling. 

Reiki appointments, Intuitive Art sessions & Intuitive Card Readings are available AND Intuitive & Creative coaching sessions are now available.

Learn more!

Sending love,

emily/autonomous muse

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October Energy Message


The Creative Spark