Intuitive Art for Release
We are in a time of transition. The last month of 2021 is here and we are in a dark moon and an eclipse portal. Now is a potent time to release that which is no longer working and navigate deep shifts and healing within.
It can be easier to journey through the current terrain when we give ourselves tools, and maybe even invite in a little joy in the process.
When we name what we are letting go of the Universe has a chance to support our process.
Intuitive Art can help make visible what’s happening down below. More of ourselves can get on board with something that we can see, more of our parts can open to healing.
3 ways you can engage with Intuitive Art as a resource:
Live Group Sessions
Sometimes we just need to make art in a group where the healing possibilities are exponential. The next group session is December 6th! The theme will be release.
Online Classes
There are now classes online that you can take at your own pace. AND there is an all day Intuitive Art workshop on 12/11 that explores C O L O R for healing, and includes a chakra balancing for you. <3
Intuitive Art Alchemy
a magical process of creation & transformation.
When we release we make room for the gifts that are ready to come forward. You can use this prompt to make Intuitive Art on your own.
On the top of a blank piece of paper, write “a gift that I am ready to bring forward…”
Using any art materials, begin to make lines, shapes, & anything that comes up for you. Trust it.
Turn your paper over and answer the same prompt in writing.
When you’re finished, fold the paper and put it somewhere special as if you’re planting it as a seed that will grow into a beautiful and healthy flower or plant. Take a moment to imagine it full grown in all its wonder.
Learn More about Intuitive Art here
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