December Energy Message

Less is more. Space is necessary. Quiet time is helpful.

December is about the open road. Clearing space and letting go of baggage so you can walk into what lies ahead as light as possible, ready to bring your wisdom forward. 

December is about truth and discernment; finding what aligns and letting go of the rest. What did you learn about yourself in November that it’s time to honor? 

December is about self-trust. Only you know what is needed for you and what is in your power to get your needs met. Maybe it feels a little easier to speak up about it after facing your ghosts last month and perhaps reconciling with them too. 

There’s a new moon solar eclipse on December 4th in Sagittarius. A moment when applying the lessons learned last month and committing to real change can make deep internal shifts possible. There is much to release as we move into a new chapter. What are you letting go of?

The full moon in Gemini on December 19th is a final hoorah, a goodbye to a collective chapter about wisdom, information, and truth; and a gateway to the next chapter about resources and shadow work. It’s time to take a deep look collectively at capitalism’s extractive and exploitive ways and reflect on what our true purpose is here, at such an important moment in history. How do you want to be remembered?

December 21st is the Winter Solstice. The sun is reborn and you can align with this energy, and come out of the longest night with a commitment to bring the gifts you’ve been hiding forward, just in time for Capricorn season: sure to help you logistically bring them into the physical realm. 

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