Shadow Work with Intuitive Art

Shadow work is something I talk about and do a lot. In an Intuitive Art group session, I was asked what exactly I mean when I say Intuitive Art is a tool for shadow work. 

I think of the shadow as the part of ourselves we reject and try to repress. Usually we have been taught these parts of ourselves are shameful when we were young or we needed to hide them in order to survive in our family, school, or society as a whole.

These parts get pushed down under the surface. They can come out sideways. We might try to quiet them with things like binge watching shows, overeating, drinking, shopping; you name it, we will do it to avoid facing these parts because it can feel really dangerous to look them in the eye. 

Slowly and with awareness and love, we can integrate our shadow and move toward wholeness. We can begin to work with them a little at a time and see if it is safe to embrace them.

Associated with our shadow, negative beliefs about ourselves can also block us from coming into our authentic expression and gifts. Something that helps me, is to think of my shadow parts as one side of a coin—they are inseparable from what’s on the other side…my gifts. Our greatest strengths and soul purpose are deeply interconnected with the acceptance and healing of our rejected parts and the release or reframing of negative beliefs. 

Right now, the moon is waxing, making its way toward full illumination on December 18th. While shadow work is potent at all times, the waxing moon is a time I like to stay really aware of where I’m blocked. As the moon grows in light, ideally, I can mirror it with inspired action, but a lot of the time my negative beliefs block my growth, and my repressed parts that could be great strengths, remain under the surface waiting for me to slow down long enough to acknowledge them.

They are not monsters and they need us to tell them we know that. They are waiting for us to open to all they have to offer. ∞

Some ways to do shadow work with Intuitive Art…

Group Classes

Sometimes we just need to make art in a group where the healing possibilities are exponential. The next group session is December 15th! The theme will be acceptance. We will be inviting in a part of ourselves we feel ready to show some love through art.

Register Here

One-on-One Sessions

If this kind of work is calling you and want a container to process more deeply, private Intuitive Art sessions are a good way to go deeper. Intuitive Art doesn’t replace working with a mental health professional.

Learn More Here

Intuitive Art Alchemy 

The magical process of creation & transformation—a ritual you can practice on your own at any time.

Removing & Reframing Blocks

  1. Take a moment to become aware of your heart space, reflect on one thing that you deeply desire. 

  2. Make a list of any beliefs that are blocking you from that desire.

  3. Choose a belief that grabs your attention, or if you like you can close your eyes and point, seeing where your finger lands, and work with that belief. 

  4. On a blank piece of paper with any art materials, create this belief. What shape is it? What color is it? What kinds of lines is it made of?

  5. When you’re finished take a moment to really look at the belief. What do you notice? What comes up?

  6. Written insight: In a journal answer, how has this belief served me? How is this belief blocking me?

  7. Are you ready to let go of the belief? Rip it up! Throw it away.

  8. What new belief would you like to bring in? Write it down, or make a new piece of art with the new belief, and put it somewhere you can see it. Let it wink at you and remind you, you’re on your way to your deepest desires.

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January Energy Message


Intuitive Art for Release