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The sun is in Scorpio until the 22nd, the moon is waning…this is the moment the serpent sheds its skin before rising like a phoenix.

In the energy update for this month, I said November is about releasing blocks and opening to your magic.

A block is an experience that hasn’t been integrated or healed yet. Until we process it, letting go with our heart, body, & mind, it obscures our peace, love, creativity, our capacity for joy, and it hinders our gifts—the fullest expression of our light.

Willingness to be part of the sacred web of life with its cycles of creation and release, means willingness to feel through the ups and downs while letting go of the need to have total control. In release, we let go of a desired outcome, and change the way we engage with an experience.

When we’re ready for release, there is a deep knowing it is time to shift, an inner peace & acceptance.

When we let go, we make room for new perspectives, new relationships, new ways of being & creating, we invite our gifts to shine and & we come into our power.

To release, we accept we aren’t in control and we feel the truth of the experience, we consciously loosen our grip and allow nature to take its course. In this willingness we find our loving power and capacity to heal. ∞

My offering for you…

a sacred container for release with Reiki—universal healing energy—to support you as you let go and invite in wellness.

For the month of November, I’m offering a special release Reiki session for $55. 

The 45 minute session will take place over Zoom.

We will discuss what you are ready to release, have 30 minutes of Reiki gently supporting you in letting go, and then we will integrate the session by discussing what came up for you.

Book a Session

Creative ritual for release

  1. You may know what you are ready to release, if you need some clarity right down “I am ready to release” at the top of a piece of paper and free write for a few minutes to see what emerges.

  2. With any art materials you feel called to use, create a visual representation of what you are releasing, the process of release, or what having come into peace & healing around this experience will look & feel like.

  3. When you’re finished you can embody the release, perhaps by feeling the experience in your heart, and then taking a few moments to consciously let go—you might imagine the experience flying away as you say or sing goodbye, you might breathe deeply, letting it go with each exhale, you might dance it out, or maybe you slowly open your fists and raise your hands to the sky in surrender.

  4. Depending on the experience you are healing, you might find it feels good to let the art go too, or maybe it’s something you want to keep as a reminder of the healing and peace you are inviting in around the experience. Check in with your body to see what feels true.

Love & peace to you.


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December Energy Message


November Energy Message