Preparing for Descent

entering Scorpio season & the eclipse portal

Scorpio season is always a time for doing deep inner work. This year the sun and Venus both move into Scorpio on October 23rd, and then the moon joins them on October 25th for a new moon partial solar eclipse.

We are being invited into a deeper layer of shadow work. We have learned so much about ourselves and about life in the last few years. Now we can go into shadow with wisdom—an understanding of what truths are necessary to face. What it is time to forgive, move on from, and heal, is more clear.

Our part is the willingness to surrender the wounds, the grudges, and fears, and to open to protection, love, and healing. We can be present, always a witness, consenting or setting boundaries, and deciding for ourselves what it is time to let go and how we would like to open to Love.

Preparation for Descent

To prepare for the journey, consider what wisdom, strengths, guides, allies, and promises to yourself you want to place in your cosmic travel pack. You can also set an altar, connect your inner child with your higher self, ask for guidance and protection, call in the elements, talk to plants, crystals, and animal friends who support you, and sing songs to your shadow and light.

Now, as the moon wanes, name what you are ready to release.

We can’t control so much, but we can enter the Scorpio portal grounded in our willingness to heal, bathed in an abundance of support. With our self-connection and self-trust as our lanterns, and Love as our guide line, we move into the deep. ∞

Intuitive Card Readings for clarity, support, and encouragement in the Scorpio portal

What the reading explores:

∞ The current challenge you are healing through.

∞ The gift (your magic!) you are uncovering that goes along with the current challenge.

∞ Support you can call in that will help you through the current healing process.

I will also channel a message, sharing any visuals and words that come through.

You will receive in your inbox: a photo of your cards, an audio of the reading, a pdf of the reading with supportive affirmations and reflection prompts for you. 🖤

Sending light.


emily/autonomous muse

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November Energy Message


October Energy Message