Full Moon Musings

Connecting with my body invites in my spirit and opens my heart to the wonders of this place. When I am tapped into the magic here & co-creating from this space—I am full of energy, inspiration, and love. My actions are making a difference on this precious earth. ∞

Moon comes home
spirit returns to body
with self-connection
vitality flows

Living solely from the mind and it’s endless to do list can be filled with pushing forward and anxiety. Coming into alignment through self-connection brings clarity and invites inspired action to feel good about.

How do we move from shoulds to inspired action? 

Making time for self-connection a priority opens up everything else. We can do more, and do the things that align with our gifts. Here are some tips for living an inspired life…

Change your Routine

Self-connection and joy shouldn’t be treats or things left to the end of the to do list, but foundational practices built into your schedule that support an authentic and aligned life.

Spend time in the morning connecting with yourself through: 

  • Embodied art or journaling

  • Meditation

  • Movement and stretching

Slow down and Ground 

  • Make dropping into your body a habit. Pause throughout the day before pushing forward and check in.

  • Connect to your breath and feel the sensation of it filling your body. Connect to your feelings, staying aware and hold space for them until they pass.

  • Spend time in nature, be present with how it feels.

Balance Inspiration & Productivity 

  • Make a list of inspired actions (the things that came from self-connection and clarity that you are excited about doing) and the things you just have to get done, and mix them up so you are doing both throughout your day.

  • Experiment with infusing your have to’s with presence and pleasure. 

Create Containers for Presence & Joy

Presence allows you to move from striving to get things done to settling into the spaces in between where inspiration resides.

  • Plan a daily or weekly time to just go with the flow and see where your desires lead you. 

  • Plan daily time with no technology to get curious about what’s going on inside of yourself and connect with you.

  • Plan learning opportunities or activities that feel inspirational and you’re excited about.

  • xo,

    emily/autonomous muse

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