In-Person Reiki Session Booked!
Please read through this page and complete the consent form at the bottom.
If you have any questions you can reach me at
See you soon!
What an in-person Reiki treatment is like: During an in-person Reiki treatment, you will lay fully clothed on a massage table, covered in a blanket if you choose, listening to soothing music. Your Reiki practitioner will lay their hands on your body in a series of hand positions to deliver Reiki energy. A Reiki treatment generally covers first your head then the front of your body and finally the back of your body. If the reclined position is uncomfortable, Reiki can be performed while you sit in a chair or on a stool. If you prefer not to be touched, Reiki can be delivered from a few inches away from the body.
How to prepare for your Reiki treatment: You can drink plenty of water the day of and wear comfy clothes to your appointment. You can come to your appointment with something specific to focus on or we can see what comes up.
What to expect after your treatment: After your treatment, you may feel light, and like you’ve just woken up from a nap, be easy on yourself for 12 hours afterward. Drink plenty of water. The most common immediate effects of a Reiki session are improved sleep, and a feeling of calm. Sometimes emotions that got unblocked come up to be accepted and released. It is also possible to experience physical detox symptoms as toxins in the body get cleared, in which case water and rest are helpful.
If you need any support after your session, please email me.
Please pay before your session begins in one of the following ways:
venmo: @Emmy-tea (last 4 digits of phone number: 2221)
credit card: click here
Session cost is sliding scale (based on your financial need): $133-$80
Almost done! Click on the button below to fill out the brief consent form and I’ll see you soon.
*the consent form only needs to be filled out once if you are a new client. If you are a returning client and have already filled out a consent form, there is no need to complete another.