C O L O R for Balance & Healing Workshop


In the C O L O R workshop

you will:

  • Practice Body Mapping with color for a deeper understanding of your current energetic, emotional and physical state.

  • Use Intuitive Art & color to bring healing, create personal meaning and dialogue with all aspects of the self.

  • Learn chakra system basics & color balancing techniques to use color with intention.

  • Receive a free remote chakra balancing & crystal healing. ✨


Saturday December 11th, 11am-3pm PST (includes a half hour break for lunch)

Price: $77

There will be two 50% discounted scholarship tickets for $38 - please contact me at emtedford@gmail.com if you need a scholarship.

This workshop will take place on Zoom.

Registration is limited to 12 participants to create an intimate healing setting.